this is going to seem funny after my last entry...all lovey dovey bullshit

you know, as with all things, there is ebb and flow...

fortunately and unfortunately, "this too shall pass"

well, love perhaps hasn't passed

nor it's ability to forge through the most tumultuous of paths,

but....that feeling sure does slip away in a hurry, and when it goes, it goes...i mean

see there's this woman...this sleezy, skanky (has 6 kids, lost 4 so far, all different dads, yes, i'm being judgmental), dope-whore, liing, stealing, arrogant, scheming, scamming poor excuse for a female that e has somehow attached himself to.

she's skinny, and she might be pretty if she weren't so damn ugly, and nasty...he says she has "a million dollar personality" but i think he's been hornschwaggled....noone likes her at all....even my 12 year old daughter saw right through her and couldn't stand her......

so, what the fuck is the deal that he lets her come to our house and insult and disrespect me? that he gets mad at me if i give any of it back or say anything to him at all about not wanting her around....

what the fuck, e??

man, i think you may want to recheck your priorities before you wind up lonely, again

Mar. 08, 2006 2:57 a.m.


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fuck you - Mar. 15, 2006
sad - Mar. 12, 2006
what the fuck, e? - Mar. 08, 2006
what the fuck, e? - Mar. 08, 2006
elvis loves me, this i know - Mar. 06, 2006

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